Little Elm Municipal Court

Municipal Court

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Parking tickets are payable here. To locate your parking citation please search by "License Plate Number" by selecting the "Vehicle information" search option

Little Elm Municipal Court's Office Hours are:

Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m

 If you would like to request a court date go to , click the "Virtual Court" graphic, and fill out the form. 

***Notice: Not all dockets are conducted virtually. If you are required to appear in person you will receive notice via USPS mail*** 

Need help?

Parking tickets are payable here. To locate your parking citation please search by "License Plate Number" by selecting the "Vehicle information" search option

Little Elm Municipal Court's Office Hours are:

Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m

 If you would like to request a court date go to , click the "Virtual Court" graphic, and fill out the form. 

***Notice: Not all dockets are conducted virtually. If you are required to appear in person you will receive notice via USPS mail***